Poor Ellah, she reminds me of Nambian Big Brother ‘The Chase’ winner Dillish who had to dodge as many evictions as possible to finally land in the finals. Likewise, the Ugandan beauty queen has been up a record six times, a feat not matched by any other Big Brother Hotshot this season!
Of all the six times she’s been up, two times were as a result of the Heads of House who reasoned that she was a strong player of the game and thus deserved to be thrown under the bus.
But trust Africa, they’ve always been kicking her right back in whenever she was subjected to the gallows. Being the final nominations and everyone eyeing to be in the much anticipated finale, no none can blame HoH Macky2 for adding up Ellah as it’s just a game and it’s only natural to get rid of competition before anything else, hopefully, Ellah is his greatest competition in this case.
Ellah seems to be moving on well with her game by far and most probably these Hotshots should be worried (so we think) because she’s been up against the likes of Frankie, Esther, Lilian, Sabina among others who were considered strong competitors but still managed to go through unhurt, these very many evictions seem to have made her to be consistent with her game and thus it’s one of those reasons why she’s still in there.
It’s now left to Africa to decide whether to save her for the sixth time or send her back to Kampala with at least a week to go. Whatever happens, Ellah’s traits will still remain evident in the house.
Over to you Africa, will she survive this time around?
Source:Big Brother Africa TV