Kyambogo University Lecturers Call Off Strike

Kyambogo University Lecturers Call Off Strike

Kyambogo University Lecturers Call Off Strike
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Kyambogo University lecturers have by majority vote resolved to end a three week strike in which they were a protesting the re-instatement of the vice chancellor Professor Isaiah Omolo Ndiege.

Kyambogo University Main Building

Kyambogo University Main Building

Lecturers accuse Ndiege of witch-hunting them and demonising staff at the university.

He is also accused of flouting procurement procedures subsequently costing the university billions of shillings.

The lecturers meeting held at the university main hall this morning voted to call off the strike on condition that the university vice chancellor Ndiege doesn’t get an automatic renewal of his contract when it runs out on 13th January, 2014.

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