Download — AJO's New Song "Kamikaze" is finally Here!

Ariong James Oscar commonly known by his alias AJO has finally released his new Hip Hop song titled "Kamikaze" .. Download it here!

Download — AJO's New Song
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Ugandan Hip-hop/ Rap artist Ajo has yet again blessed the Ugandan music scene with another outstanding song titled, Kamikaze which also doubles as the first off his upcoming E.P, “No Apologies”.

Produced by Nase Avatar of Port Bell Drive and martin of Urban Aksent, Kamikaze stands to be cued up amongst the top hip-hop songs released in the Ugandan music industry this year.

To put everything in perspective, “kamikaze” refers to the suicide mission attacks carried out by the military aviators from Japan on the allied forces during the Second World War. The intention was for pilots to crush their planes into the allied forces war ships.

DOWNLOAD the song "Kamikaze" by AJO!

In this song, Ajo chooses to employ an impressive word play technique where he name drops other music artists and uses what they are associated with to craft incredible verses.

Ajo nails it on the delivery and the low tone chorus makes it a memorable song. Ajo marks himself as a great writer, very creative and excellent at his word play.

Kamikaze is a great follow up single to his mixtape, Rap Music I sing which (R.M.I.S) which dropped in February 2015 and makes for a mouthwatering anticipation of the No Apologies E.P.

Kamikaze definitely highlights the immense creativity and talent present in the Ugandan Hip Hop industry.

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