OMG and Zimbabwean ZOZO To Redo 'UGANDA WELABA'.

Zimbabwean artist ZOZO and south African based Ugandan afr-beat star OMG to redo the laters song titled "Uganda Welaba".

OMG and Zimbabwean ZOZO To Redo 'UGANDA WELABA'.
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OMG is Rising higher & higher, The Ugandan Affro-beat Super-star based in S.Africa has been requested by the Multi Award Zimbabwean Artist ZOZO to redo a Colobo of his two Songs TUZALIBWA MAZIGA & UGANDA WELABA in his Native Shona Language after Watching the Music Video's.

The Summer Award Winning Musician Joseph Mbiza aka ZOZO is very famous in Southern Africa through his Educative Music & lumba beat.

More : Listen/Download original version of OMG's hit songs "TUZALIBWA MAZIGA", and "UGANDA WELABA".

Information reaching us from S.A is that they're already busy with translation. Zimbabwe here we come go go Homeboy.

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