Bruno K’s Secret Baby Mama Revealed In A Twitter War! 

He allegedly that Bruno K neglected his son, Seth Kiggundu while favoring his daughter Briella whom he sees as he "meal ticket."

Bruno K’s Secret Baby Mama Revealed In A Twitter War! 
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Singer Bruno K is currently in the middle of a social media war as he is being accused of being a deadbeat father.

A Twitter user known as TAG_ Keith exposed the singer and claimed he fathered a child with his best friend, Vanessa, but refused to acknowledge him.

He allegedly that Bruno K neglected his son, Seth Kiggundu while favoring his daughter Briella whom he sees as he "meal ticket."

Keith went on to say Bruno K has been making Vanessa's life difficult since 2022. 

Bruno K tried to diffuse the situation by taking down a tweet that had angered Keith, but the Twitter user continued to call him out.

However, multiple sources have since come forward to dispute Keith's claims, stating that Bruno K has always been involved in his son's life. 

According to reports, Vanessa and her friends have been threatening Bruno K on social media in an attempt to cause him panic.

One of Bruno K's friends noted that Vanessa was given money to start a business, but she misappropriated the funds. 

It is also claimed that she refused to take the child to the doctor when he was sick, insisting on being given money instead. 

The friend further stated that they had asked Vanessa to allow them to care for the child, but she refused.

“She was given money to start a business which she misappropriated. She was shown a doctor she had to take the child to in case he was sick but only insisted on being paid money. We asked for the child to be given to us for better care, but she refused,” one of the singer’s friends stated.

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