Obama Defies Moslem Rules ... Drinks Beer And More Beer At G7 summit

Why is Barack Obama drinking beer?

Obama Defies Moslem Rules ... Drinks Beer And More Beer At G7 summit
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Islamic jurisprudence specifies which foods are ḥalāl (حَلَال "lawful") and which are ḥarām (حَرَامْ "unlawful"). This is derived from commandments found in the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, as well as the Hadith and Sunnah, libraries cataloging things the Islamic prophet Muhammad is reported to have said and done

However, Barack Hussein Obama  does not want to know.....

The American president landed in Germany for the G7 summit - and headed straight to the pub

Barack Obama has definitely come out to prove that he truly does drink something that is regard as ḥarām as he recently raced down a cub of beer in Germany at 11a.m.

Mr Obama drank his beer to the sound of traditional Alpenhorns with an audience of locals, most whom wore traditional lederhosen and dirndls.

“When I first heard Angela was hosting the G-7 in Bavaria, I was hoping that it would fall during Oktoberfest, but then again there’s never a bad day for a beer and a weisswurst,” he said.

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